There are few things more important than attaining a favorable outcome in a lawsuit. If you’re facing any sort of business dispute, you may know that your options are either receiving a verdict or a settlement. Please read on, then contact an experienced Los Angeles, California commercial litigation lawyer to learn what the differences are between a verdict and a settlement in California and how the Lee Law Offices can help you through the process. Here are some of the questions you may have:
How does a verdict differ from a settlement in California?
Simply put, the primary difference between a verdict and a settlement is that a settlement is reached outside of a courtroom setting, typically during pre-trial measures, and it is essentially an agreement between two parties that irons out the dispute. That said, there are times when a settlement cannot be reached outside of court. In this case, the dispute will likely enter litigation, which will ultimately resolve with a verdict handed down by a judge or jury.
Is a verdict better than a settlement in California?
The answer to this question depends on the individual case at hand. In some instances, a settlement is better, as one party gets the outcome they wanted (or a close compromise) and doesn’t have to go to court for it. However, sometimes, if a settlement can’t be reached, you can take your case to court and fight for the desired outcome. As long as you get the results you were looking for, then the verdict would be favorable, for obvious reasons.
If you have any further questions or you need a competent attorney in your corner, please don’t hesitate to speak with the Lee Law Offices today.
Contact Our Experienced Los Angeles Firm
Whether you are an employer or an employee involved in an employment-related dispute, you can rely on the legal team here at Lee Law Offices to fight for you. Our firm is also significantly experienced in matters involving church and commercial litigation. Contact us today so we can discuss your situation and determine the best path forward.