As a business owner with a thousand and one concerns, it is understandable that you have not kept abreast of the Golden State’s latest labor laws. For more information on the new labor laws, please continue reading, then contact an experienced Los Angeles County, California employment attorney. Some of the new labor laws in California include:
The Garment Worker Protection Act (Senate Bill 62)
This bill is designed to deter wage theft from garment workers and promote brand accountability. The bill includes various provisions to benefit garment workers, including requiring hourly wages, banning a practice known as “piecework,” and outlining legal penalties for brands and manufacturers that fail to adhere to the provisions set forth in this new law.
Warehouse Quotas (Assembly Bill 701)
This law sets forth provisions regarding how warehouses can enforce productivity quotas. That said, this law only covers employers with one hundred or more employees at a single warehouse distribution center or at least one thousand employees at one or more warehouse distribution centers in California.
Recall Rights (SB 93)
Under this law, covered employers who laid off qualified employees due to pandemic- and Covid-19-related reasons must provide the right of re-hire and retention before hiring new employees.
Minimum Wage $15.00/hour Phase in from 2017-2023 (Senate 3)
Effective January 1, 2022, employers must pay employees the following wages:
- Employers with twenty-six or more employees: The minimum wage is $15.00 an hour.
- Employers with twenty-five or fewer employees: The minimum wage is $14.00 an hour.
Please bear in mind that if a local entity, i.e. a city or county, has adopted a higher minimum wage, employers must pay employees the local wage where it is higher than the state or federal wage rates.
Overtime for Agriculture Workers (Assembly Bill 1066)
Starting January 1 of this year, employers with twenty-six or more employees must pay agriculture workers overtime after eight hours in a day or forty hours in a week. Likewise, employers with twenty-five or fewer employees must pay agriculture workers overtime after 9.5 hours per day or fifty-five hours per week.
Speak with a skilled Los Angeles, California labor lawyer for any other questions.
If you need legal representation in an employment-, commercial- or church-related dispute, contact Lee Law Offices today.